Calling all health coaches and wellness entrepreneurs!

Hands up if you're tired of...

Struggling to find enough clients to keep your health coaching practice booked. Hustling on social media. Slaving away producing endless content and email newsletters. You're not alone! But there is a better way.

Have you ever thought about approaching MDs for referrals?

This complete program walks you through, step-by-step, the best way to approach doctors to build referral relationships.

Created by an MD and a coach, this course contains everything you need to know -- a complete blueprint -- to start getting referrals from doctors.

Are you ready to...

  • Get more clients

    Ensure a steady flow of pre-screened clients who are ready to work with you.

  • Make valuable connections

    Raise your profile in the health & wellness community.

  • Be seen as an expert

    Become the go-to authority in your wellness niche.

  • Find freedom

    Finally free yourself from your unfulfilling 9-5 and become a full-time health coach.

What can you achieve?

This system will help you:

  • Secure a steady flow of clients.

  • Never worry about where your income is coming from each month.

  • Spend your time working with your dream clients--instead of chasing sales with exhausting marketing strategies.

  • Work with doctors who GET IT.

  • Be completely booked out with clients.

  • Become a trusted resource to the medical community.

The MD Referral Jumpstart Program is a complete roadmap for health coaches looking to get referrals from doctors.

This course is designed to support you in becoming a thriving health coach ... whether you're a new coach or looking to go to the next level in your coaching business.

Are you ready to take a quantum leap in your business?

It's your time.


“I loved this course! Each module provided valuable content in an easy to digest format. It was clear, concise, thorough and very helpful. The worksheets are great to really get clear on a plan moving forward. I am excited to really focus on approaching MDs and feel like this course has given me the tools, knowledge and confidence to do that.”

Tenille Dore, Health Coach.

“This course was great! I got a lot out of it and the worksheets were very helpful. I really feel like Kim is in my corner and rooting for my success. I was able to narrow down my niche (finally!) and figure out who, exactly, I want to work with and who will get the most out of working with me. ”

Cathy Powers, Health Coach.

“Kim provided so many valuable insights for me to consider. I am very grateful for her unique blend of physician and health coach, as it provides such a helpful framework for what I am developing. Kim’s insight as an MD is invaluable to me as she understands the words/language that will engage doctors and get their "buy-in". So thank you!!!”

Cheri Timmons, Health Coach.

“It helps so much to get the doctor's perspective, but also from someone who understands what it means to be a health coach! Kim's tips are great, to the point, and I plan to incorporate them all! ”

Justina Pop, Health Coach.

By the end of this course you will know...

  • how to approach medical offices with confidence (and get your foot in the door)

  • how doctors' practices work, and why they need YOU as much as you need them

  • how to create your marketing material that will help MDs understand your services

  • how to design a simple referral system that makes it easy for MDs to refer their patients to you

  • how to find the doctors who would be a perfect match for your services

  • how to build relationships for the long term

Payment Options

Choose the option that works best for you and get started right away!

Meet Your Instructor

Kim Foster

M.D. & Coach

As a family doctor and a coach, Dr. Kim Foster created this course to help health coaches rapidly build their businesses, get more clients, and make the world a healthier place. By enrolling in this course, you'll benefit from her insider's perspective. By the end of the course, you'll be in a position to leverage your new knowledge about how to grow your business through MD referrals and set yourself apart from other health coaches.

Lesson One

Getting Started

This lesson is all about the power of a referral-based health coaching business. You'll get an insider's view of a typical doctor's practice, and we'll talk about the fears & obstacles to approaching doctor's offices.

Lesson Two

Nail Your Niche

Inside this module, you'll learn the 5-step process to clarifying your niche...and by the end you'll have a defined area of expertise that you feel great about, and that you’re ready to bring to MDs to show them what you do.

Lesson Three

Clarify Your Target Market

You'll gain total clarity on WHO your ideal client is, and also which doctors you will be targeting & approaching. In this lesson, I'll also show you how to figure out which doctors would make great referral partners for your business.

Lesson Four

Craft Your Program

Here you'll create your unique, signature program -- because MDs will want to know what you'll be covering with their patients. I'll show you a simple 4-step process for designing your own signature program.

Lesson Five

Create Your Marketing Material

In this module you'll develop an entire package of marketing material that you will use to get referrals. I'll teach you about the SIX KEY PIECES of marketing material you need to create & assemble before approaching doctors.

Lesson Six

Design Your Referral System

You'll learn about the actual logistics of an MD referral. There are a few different ways to do this (and I teach the best referral method, and why it works so well)...because if you don’t have a system that works, you can lose an MD who might otherwise have referred to you.

Lesson Seven

Your Pitch

This module will give you a toolbox to help you craft the perfect pitch. You'll be able to come across poised & polished, smooth & confident...because you don't want to squander your opportunity when it comes!

Lesson Eight

The Search for MDs

Next, you'll generate a list of MDs to approach as potential collaborators and referral sources. This module contains everything you need to know, plus tricks & tips for generating a promising list of perfectly targeted MDs.

Lesson Nine

Approaching Medical Offices

This is where you learn how to get past the "gatekeepers". You'll plan your approach, and learn the Dos & Don'ts for getting your foot in the door. This lesson includes specific strategies & insider information you won't get anywhere else.

Lesson Ten

Your Action Plan

In this final lesson we pull everything together into a cohesive action plan including a schedule, accountability, and an actual game plan. We also deal with mindset issues, and how to pivot and repurpose for the long haul. By the end, you'll have everything you need to move forward and start generating referrals.

The MD Referral Program is for you!

This program is for you if...

  • You recently became a health coach and have been struggling to get clients.

  • You've been a coach for a while, and are starting to burn out with all the online hustling.

  • You want to know the exact steps to take in order to approach doctors for referrals (and get them to say YES).

  • You're driven and motivated and know you can do this with some support and expert guidance.

This program is not for you if...

  • You're not willing to put in the effort to build your business.

  • You're not prepared to "put yourself out there" to approach doctors and other healthcare professionals.

  • You're not truly ready to have a large influx of clients.

  • You're looking for a quick-fix, or a "get rich quick" scheme.


  • I just started health coaching -- can I take this course?

    Yes, there's no reason you can't begin the process of approaching doctors right out of the gate. One of the past students of this course began receiving referrals from MDs before she was even finished her health coaching certification program!

  • I'm still trying to identify my niche. Is this program for me?

    Yes! In fact, modules 2, 3, and 4 are all about clarifying your niche, your ideal client, and crafting your signature program -- because these are foundation pieces that you'll want to have in place before approaching doctors.

  • What if I don't have a blog or a large email list yet? What if I don't have a big following?

    You do not need a big following or a blog to benefit from this program. In fact, the beauty of a referral system is that you can skip all these typical online marketing steps if you want to -- and build a thriving health coaching practice through referrals alone!

  • When does the program start?

    It starts the moment you enroll! You can begin right away, or whenever it's convenient for you. You'll have access to the material forever -- and we'll be regularly updating the course material, so you'll have access to those updates, too.

  • Can I go at my own pace?

    Yes, absolutely. As soon as you enroll, you will gain access to all the course materials, and can then go through the modules and download the worksheets at your own pace -- as quickly or slowly as you like. You can do the course wherever and whenever you like!

  • How is this different from other programs?

    This course focuses on an under-utilized marketing strategy for health coaches (approaching doctors for referrals). It was developed by an MD and a coach (Dr. Kim Foster) who has the unique perspective of seeing this industry from both sides. You'll gain access to insider information that you won't find anywhere else. After going through the course, you'll have what we like to call a "secret weapon" for growing a wildly successful health coaching business.

What happens after you buy?

  • Step One

    Enroll in the MD Referral Jumpstart course. Choose to pay either in full or with the payment plan.

  • Step Two

    You'll receive an email with all the details -- everything you need to know to get started.

  • Step Three

    You'll receive immediate access to the course. The whole course will open up to you immediately on the learning platform. Get started & enjoy!

Pricing options

Choose the payment plan that works best for you.

You can build the health coaching business of your dreams.

It only takes one step to get started on a brand new path.